Initially address, Gram-negative in light of the fact that the precious stone violet restrains the development of gram-positive.
Second question, Fermentation: the blend of carb lactose, bile salts, and pH turn it unbiased red since they are enteric and age lactose
Third, we would see the development since it is gram negative microbes.
1. coliform microbes (pink settlements in light of the fact that the pH is brought down and they are lactose fermenters)
2. Looseness of the bowels typhoid, and paratyphoid bacilli (tan and straightforward provinces since they are non-fermenters)
The earth's atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen with smaller proportions of other gases such as carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is maintained through a balance between processes such as photosynthesis, respiration and combustion. However this balance is being affected by human activities which are polluting the atmosphere.
The proportion of these gases in the atmosphere is as follows: nitrogen is the most abundant at 78%, oxygen is next at 21%, while others include carbon dioxide at 0.037% and argon at 0.9 % .
The answer is e, as in terms of d, proteins are not sandwiched between the two bilayers, but wedged in the bilayer to selectively let in different molecules. With c, phospholipids do not drift, into the membrane, for it is the membrane itself. With b it is the other way around, the phospholipid bilayer makes up the membrane, and proteins are embedded into it. Lastly, for a, a fluid mosaic model wouldn’t portray phospholipids drifting in the dark phospholipid bilayer, as they are an independent molecule consisting only as the cell membrane. Hope that’s helpful! :)
I believe the answer would be true