<h3>White sugar is polished and refined sugar. It has a high glyciemic index (Glycemic index)</h3><h3>GI represents the total rise in your blood sugar level following consumption of the food. White sugar probably has a GI of around 96 which is pretty close to the highest (100 of pure glucose). </h3>
<h3>Hence it is unhealthy because the body is unable to burn off this sudden spike in glucose levels.</h3>
<h2>b) option is correct </h2>
- Archaea are the closest modern relatives of Earth's first living cells
- Archaea are famous because of living in extreme environments
- If it’s super hot (more than 100° Celsius), freezing, acidic, alkaline, salty, deep in the ocean, even bombarded by gamma or UV radiation, there’s probably life there, and that life is probably archaeal species
- They’re also considered very resourceful
- Many forms of archaea can utilize totally inorganic forms of matter—hydrogen, carbon dioxide or ammonia for example—to generate organic matter themselves
Fishing until reaching an established quota that allows the fish population to rebound each season is a method of sustainable fishing
<h3>What is sustainability ?</h3>
The main objective of sustainability is for people to live in peace and harmony on Earth for an extended period of time. Specific definitions of sustainability are difficult to agree on and hence vary in the literature and across time
- Sustainability is often represented diagrammatically. The figure at the top of this page suggests that there are three pillars of sustainability – economic viability, environmental protection and social equity.
- Sustainability is important for many reasons including: Environmental Quality – In order to have healthy communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment. Growth - UNTHSC's enrollment continues to expand, thus we demand additional resources such as energy, water, and space.
Learn more about Sustainability here:
(2) exchange food, oxygen, and waste between
mother and fetus
In most mammals like humans, the fetus produced as a result of the fertilization of the sperm and egg, develops in the uterus or womb of the female. However, this developing fetus cannot yet fend for what it requires for survival and is still dependent on the mother e.g nutrients, oxygen etc. How do this substances get to the fetus? Here comes the role of the PLACENTA.
Placenta is an organ in the uterus that serves as a connection between the mother and the fetus in her womb. The placenta enables the mother to pass digested nutrients to the fetus and exchange gases (oxygen and Carbondioxide) between them via the umbilical cord. The placenta also enables the mother remove waste produced by the fetus into her bloodstream.
The female duct system is composed of the following organs:
a. Fallopian tubes - this is like a bridge that serves as a passage way for eggs from the ovaries to be delivered to the uterus.
b. Ovaries - are egg cells within the female reproductive system that when mature may develop into a fetus or become a regular menstrual period for women.
c. Uterus - This is where the mature ovaries begin to develop and start to form new life.