In the Daubert case, The case is tainted because the defendant provided 'expert witness' to give testimony in the favor, but the testimonies that given contradict the common scientific knowledge that is held by scientific community. Even though this happen, the juries still rule in favor of the defendant simply because they brought 'an expert'.
To prevent this from happening again, the supreme court created rule 702 which restrict the type of expert testimonies that are admissible in court.
Por un lado estaban las Potencias Centrales o la Triple Alianza (Alemania, Italia y el Imperio Austro-Húngaro) y, por el otro, la Triple Entente (Francia, Reino Unido y Rusia).
ten un buen dia amigo
development conflict
I took the quiz and got it right
The ideas from both the article and the speech, as they both represent another person's work.
When we write any type of written assignment, whether it's homework or a dissertation, if we reference other person's ideas and work, we must always acknowledge the original author. Also called a citation, referencing the original author of the ideas is required because this way the reader can refer to the original source in order to gauge and contrast the original arguments and ideas. It is also a test of honesty. Plagiarism, that is, not acknowledging who's the author of the ideas that we present (and thus presenting them as our own), is highly frowned upon. References and citations should refer not only to published work, such as journal articles, but also to unpublished work, such as conferences and speeches.