IS THE "NEW DEAL" SOCIALISM? A SOCIALIST LEADER ANSWERS; Norman Thomas Says No -- That What Roosevelt Has Done Is To Lay the Foundations for a Structure of State Capitalism.
The federal Law(U.S law takes supremacy)
Once there is a conflict against the federal law backed by the constitution, the federal law takes supremacy. In this case, a provision in the Florida state constitution is under the law of Florida state and conflicts a provision with that of the federal, Federal supremacy will take charge. I.e Federal law is what will stand and be accepted against Florida state law, what ever the federal constitution says abut the provision is what will stand.
Answer: Continuous Innovation
Continuous Innovation refers to the making of New products that are modifications of existing products that require NO CHANGE in the way the product was used in the past.
In other words, NO NEW user learning is required.
Examples include line extensions and improved products such as the iPhone 6+.
The united nations is funded through membership fees and Voluntary Contributions.
And the membership fees is differ from each member, because the capabilities of a non developed country is not as good as the developed one.
Currently, the united states of america pays the largest membership fees for the united nations, but america also got the largest influence offer it