Without the string from Ariadne, it would have been very hard for Theseus to escape the maze. "Theseus, take this, she whispered. Even if you kill the Minotaur, you will never find your way out again" (, Commonlit). She requests Theseus to take her with him and she also thinks he will marry her. He doesn't find her attractive and therefore leaves her stranded on an island. "In his haste to get away, Theseus forgot to change his sails to white. King Aegeus, waiting on the headland, saw the ship approaching with its black sails flying in the wind"(, Commonlit).
What is the author's position?
What reasons does the author give to support their position?
Are there any flaws in the author's logic?
Do you agree or disagree with the author's argument or perspective? Why?
What is your position on this topic?
You should also remember these 5 when evaluating.
Authority. Who is the author or creator (who is responsible for the intellectual content) and what are his or her credentials? ...
Accuracy/Quality. Is the information provided specific? ...
Objectivity. ...
Currency. ...
You're matching prompts to description so for example you would match name, address, and email to personal information.
Here is what I did bro. I'm not even sure if it's right,
Answer: A. Hawthorne is giving a lesson Franklin learned that readers might also profit from
Hawthorne is obviously not giving his own thoughts, since Franklin said this and it is a quote. He also cannot be trying to get young readers to relate because there is nothing in the excerpt about being a boy. Franklin probably had some experience and learned this lesson from it.