Even thought there is no work in italics like there should be I can tell that expand is the work that you were talking about, and enlarge is a synonom of expand.
The personal fable is the adolescent's belief that he or she is highly special and unlike anyone else who has ever walked the earth. Colloquially, these individuals are known as "special snowflakes." In other words, the adolescent thinks that since others are so obviously fascinated by him (adolescent egocentrism), he must be a unique individual.
Unfortunately, the belief can have serious consequences.
In particular, the personal fable can cause a tween or teen to believe that nothing bad could possibly happen to someone as exceptional as herself. In other words, since she's so special, she must be invulnerable.
Some research has shown that belief in the personal fable and one's invulnerability is directly connected to common adolescent risk-taking behaviors, such as promiscuous or unprotected sex, use of alcohol or illicit drugs, as well as physically dangerous acts, such as driving without a license or driving recklessly or while intoxicated.
Belief in the personal fable should not be confused with having high self-esteem. Tweens or teens with low self-esteem usually still hold a version of the personal fable.
Option C, a fixed exchange-rate system, is the right answer.
Another term for the Fixed Exchange Rate is the pegged exchange rate. Following this exchange rate management, the currency of a nation is tied to the value of another individual currency such as the dollar or a basket of money, for instance, euro or to gold. The main aim of this rating system is to keep the value of a currency within a narrow band.
B, advocate. Being an advocate means you speak out for it, or that you show your support for something.
A finalidad del área de desarrollo personas cívico ciudadano (DPCC) es explicar a las personas cual es la importancia de vivir en una sociedad democrática , también nos enseña las importancia de ser un buen cuidadano.