There is no direct question but the statement above is true. This amendment resulted to many migrations not only within the borders of the United States but all over the world. Mostly these immigrants were Asians and Hispanics who are in search of better opportunities in cities all over the United States.
Brocka´s or expressive
Carlos had a stroke and although he has recovered many of his motor skills, he still has considerable difficulty with language. It is almost impossible for Carlos to produce speech, although he comprehends both written and spoken language quite well. Carlos is demonstrating characteristics of Brocka´s or expressive aphasia.
When you have a stroke and in the aftermath you have difficulties to say complete words, articulate sentences or you incoherently emit sounds that don´t resemble a sentence, you´re experiencing expressive aphasia.
D. Filing for a discharge petition
The best course of action for the congressman to take is 'the filing for a discharge petition'.
Normally, when a bill is introduced by a member of the House of Representatives, the speaker sends the bill to the relevant committee who then deliberate on it, seek expert advice etc. After the deliberations, the bill is then sent to the house for debate and possible voting for onward movement to the senate if passed by the majority.
In the event that the bill is stalled in the committee, the sponsor can file for a discharge petition. A discharge petition involves bringing out a bill from the committee that has spent at least thirty (30) days, without waiting for a report from the committee. To successfully file for a discharge petition, the sponsor must garner at least two hundred and eighteen votes (218) votes which is a clear majority.
Second treatise of government supports the theory of Social Contract.
The second treatise of government was given by Locke. John Locke treatise refutes the theory of absolutist government. According to Locke, for the protection of property civil society is created. By property, Locke refers to life, liberty, and estate. Locke defines the theory of social contract in the second treatise where the government is responsible for maintaining the natural rights of the citizens.
Immigrants have chosen to live in the middle colonies because they are seen as a "greater opportunity"