A .org website is the URL used for organizations. It is a top level domain, and frequently used by giant bodies even. It is a truncated from the full word, organization.
Even charity websites use .org frequently well. The .org domain was initially intended for non profit organizations, until few months ago during which the restrictions were lifted. It is frequently used by communities, schools, and of course, charity organizations or NGOs.
Answer: True
Explanation: T/F President Van Buren believed that the federal government should play a major role in controlling the nation's economy. T/F President Van Buren supported a new system-an independent federal treasury-to prevent private banks from using government money to back the banknotes they issued.
The Roman empire was well organized with good roads & active trade, so the new religion could spread easily. Constantine was a sun worshipper who feigned Christianity so he could take control and throw out it's one and only goal
The answer is c (I think, correct me if im wrong)