The first step to dividing fractions is to find the reciprocal (reverse the numerator and denominator) of the second fraction. Next, multiply the two numerators. Then, multiply the two denominators. Finally, simplify the fractions if needed.
Step-by-step explanation:
$60,000 falls into the $50,001 - $100,000 range, so 5.5% is owed on it.
5.5% → 0.055
60,000 * 0.055 = $3,300
• The initial dose of the Insulin = 10 Units
The insulin breaks down by about 5% each minute, therefore:
• The decay rate, r= 5%
We want to determine the time it will take for the remaining dosage to be half (5 units) of the original dose.
We use the exponential decay function:

Substituting the given values, we have:

To solve for t, we change to logarithm form.
x - 2 + 4 = 6
x + 2 = 6
x = 4 </span>
If the sides are close together, its acute.