Looking glass self
Looking-glass self is a social theory that states that how we view ourselves is a result of how other people view us, that is, individuals view themselves based on the perception of others. This theory was introduced by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902 and it focuses on the development of self-concept.
Jada's wardrobe change to suit the perception of the individual she has a date illustrates looking-glass self theory, her view of herself is influenced by the individuals preference.
E. Construct Validity.
Construct validity is mostly used in social sciences and psychology. It is mainly a device used almost exclusively in social sciences, psychology and education.
For example, you might design whether an educational program increases artistic ability amongst pre school children. Construct validity is a measure of whether your research actually measures artistic ability, a slightly abstract label.
Just like case above that has to deal Dr. Ross looking to examine if the certain indicators which tends to complete her romantic attraction measurement are truly related to one another and make for an accurate representation of the variable she is researching.
"The 1518 smallpox epidemic killed 90% of the natives who had not already perished. Warfare and harsh enslavement by the colonists had also caused many deaths. By 1548, the native population had declined to fewer than 500."
Put this in our own words but here you go.
<u>Social Media</u> is the communication channel allows for mediated interactive communication with both small and large audiences
Social Media is platform that is accessible by both the small and the large audiences.
These platform's act as a medium through which people,companies, can interact,communicate and share information with the intended audience.
I believe that the best answer is "a royal colony", or a "crown colony" - its later name.
Royal colonies were colonies that were governed by a governor that was appointed by the monarch