prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
The Hessians were German mercenaries. Stark is saying that they are on a hill that he and his comrades will take and if they don't his wife will be a widow. In other words, it means that the victory will come to the Americans or they will die trying.
The Americans had more at stake. If they were defeated they would be hung for treason. In their minds, George III was a tyrant who would not listen to them. Nor would he dispense Justice.
Explanation: The belief in "one" God could make you feel special because it means you were put in (specific time stated above) for a reason. It may seem that your life is inconsequential but he specificly put you in that time for a specific purpose. This belief could also provide you with the strength to keep pressing onward even when it seems like nothing will get better.
for one thing they didn't teach the slaves to read or write so they would be unintellegent and they would not know of what they could be. they taught them that they are meant to serve
The explosion of the USS MAINE
When the USS MAINE exploded while in a harbor in Havana, Cuba, the US colclusion that the Spanish blew it up, leading to the Spanish-American war.