Fundamental attribution error
Due to the fundamental attribution error, people tend to have the belief that others do bad things due to the fact that they are not good people. This theory explains the tendency for us to judge other people harshly but when we are guilty of the same unethical behavior, we tend to want to easily get ourselves off the hook.
After being restricted for so long on the things they can own or do, it must have been hurtful and sad to see that nobody on the outside understands the situation they are actually in. It must make them feel hopeless, and in disgust as their situation can seem so bright to people who aren't there.
Yes so they wouldn’t have to spend anymore money
The answer is the certified organic food must provide proof that it has medicinal use for humans. This is not one of the standards needs to be certified organic.
In order to be certified organic the product needs to have a list of the ingredients or contents and the product has to be at least 95 percent certified organic (although the ingredients salt and water are excluded from the calculation). The standards that are established by the USDA for organic foods include criteria like soil quality and how the farmer controls pests and weeds. There are also criteria for animal raising practices and the use of additives. To be an organic producer the farm or association needs to prioritize using natural substances and mechanical or physical farming methods to harvest or process the foods.
1. Wealth producing activities.
2. Satisfying human wants.
3. Money income
1. Man is a social animal . He has a natural urge to live an associated life.