Requirement #1 is Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
Requirement #2 Congress shall not prohibit free exercise of a religion.
Answer = D ................
The difference between equality and equity is equality achieves through treating everyone the same regardless of need, while equity achieves through treating people differently dependent on need.
<span>Due to the size of many populations around the world, as well as the self-interests of many corporate elites and government decision-makers, few pure economies exist as a result of these external forces that alter the pure theory that many economic strategies are based.</span>
broken-window theory
One of America's most popular crime and police theories is broken window theory which sum-mates how something simply disregarded can easily become a vandal object. The hypothesis links chaos and incivility to subsequent occurrences of severe crime in the context of a community. This theory is based on the notion that serious crime as the final result of a long chain of disordered events and that there would be no serious crimes if disorder were removed.