Many work hard for their money and are immensely taxed already. Imagine if you worked hard for 10$ and the government takes away 5$. For wealthier people, the numbers are much larger. If they worked every day of the year and managed to earn $250,000, the government will take away $130,000 - almost half. They already pay for the majority of taxes with their hard earned money. They should not have to give up more than what they already do.
The United States gives aid to many more established governments than it does rebels. If we look at this aid from the perspective of it being given to bolster defences against internal and external threats then the number can be narrowed down.
Some established governments that have been and are being given aid include:
- Afghanistan - In an effort to combat Al-Queda and the Taliban, the US gives aid to the government of Afghanistan.
- Israel - Israel has had hostile relations with her neighbours so the US provides aid to protect them.
- Iraq - Following the U.S. intervention in Iraq that removed Saddam Hussain, the U.S. have been providing aid to Iraq to help their internal security situation.
- Egypt - Egypt has one of the strongest armies in Africa and need to keep the Sinai free of increasing militant attacks and so the U.S. provides them with aid.
<em>Many more are given economic and military aid however but the above account for a significant portion. </em>
Countries where U.S. has supported rebels.
- Syria - The U.S. supported rebels against Bashar al-Assad and Islamic State.
- Libya - The U.S. supported rebels against Muammar Gaddafi during the Libyan Civil War which ended with Gaddafi's death.
- Angola - The U.S. supported the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola(UNITA) rebels in the 1980s.
- Nicaragua - Contra rebels were supported against the Communist leaning government of Nicaragua.
- Afghanistan - When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in the 1980s, the U.S. gave aid to the Mujahedeen rebels.