Guy on me left and right friend got him out like a light
Hope this helps!!
They are both Romance languages that derived from Latin
<u>Romance languages are the group of related languages that are all derived from the Latin language</u>. They came from a common, spoken Latin language that was used by the people in everyday life, so-called Vulgar Latin, which is different than classic Latin.
Italian and French are among the most popular and most spoken languages in the Romance languages group. The similarity that comes from Latin is mostly seen in <u>the fact that the sentence order is the same, concepts are the same, they use the same alphabet, and many of the words are similar or same, just pronounced differently.</u>
The correct answer is experiment
Experiment is <em>"a type of scientific research in which the researcher manipulates and controls one or more independent variables and observes the variation in dependent variables concurrently with the manipulation of independent variables."
The purpose of manipulating and measuring the variables in the experiment is to capture causality (relationship between cause and effect). Independent variables are responsible for possible causes, and dependent variables signal the effects. Two variables may have a very high correlation, but not necessarily one cause the other. There are three conditions for admitting causality