The unemployment rate went as high as 24.9% during the great depression.
Conducting a 360- degree feedback process
A 360-degree feedback is a method or a process by which feedback or opinions from an employee's colleagues, subordinates and supervisor, as well as a self-evaluation by the individual themselves is gathered.
Here, individuals compare views of their own performance with the behaviorally specific performance info from their colleagues manager, subordinates, and peers.
In the context, Dr. Davis invites his colleagues to attend his class and asks them give or provide feedback on his teaching methods and about engaging his students. Thus Dr Davis is trying to conduct a 360- degree feedback process.
John Hospers argues that most if not all, human behavior is motivated by complex psychological factors that humans can't control. Therefore, humans cannot act differently than they do, they are not responsible for their actions, and they can't be held morally accountable for them.
Mary Daly was a radical feminist. She described herself as lesbian radical feminist. She taught women studies in Boston college and did not allow male students in her class. Androcentrism, women's liberal movement were governed by her.
John Hospers was a philosopher and psychologist who studied human behavior and identified several psychological and emotional factors control human behavior. He told that humans are not responsible and accountable for their behavior because it is fully psychologically driven.