The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. It includes the President, Vice President, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, boards, commissions, and committees.
Global warming
The increase of greenhouse gases result into global warming :)

Blood vessels are vessels that carry blood through organs and tissues. The five types of blood vessels are: arteries, veins, arterioles, capillaries, and venules. The main function of blood vessels is to carry blood throughout the body.
There are different types of channels for blood flow that transport the blood pumped by the heart. They greatly differ only in the size of their diameters. Arteries are the big ones that are located mostly near the heart. Veins are the next which is where nurses inject you to gather blood. Then, the smallest ones are the capillaries.
The prefix pro- primarily means “forward” but can also mean “for.” Some words that the prefix pro- gave rise to are promise, pro, and promote. When you, for instance, make progress, you are stepping “forward,” whereas if you give the pros in an argument, you are speaking “for” something by stating its advantages.