In reviewing Ashley's history, the RN is correct in concluding that Ashley is in jeopardy of developing a hypertensive disorder
because of her age (42). Which other factors add to Ashley's risk of developing preeclampsia?A. Family history. B. Preexisting medical or genetic condition, such as Factor V Leiden.
C. Nulliparity.D. Toxemia - is an old term for preeclampsia that some clients may still use.E. Reason for preeclampsia are unknown, but research shows that preexisting medical conditions and genetic conditions put the client at higher risk for preeclampsia.F. Nulliparity - first pregnancy places a client at higher risk preeclampsia than multiparty with the same partner.
__ pre-existing medical or genetic conditions such as factor V Leiden
__ Nulliparity
Pre-eclampsia otherwise known as gestational hypertension or toxemia is defined as severe Hypertension that occurs during pregnancy in the presence of significant protein in the urine(proteinuria)
Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication.
A family history of hypertension is an important factor for the development of pre- eclampsia.
Women that are carriers of the factor V Leiden mutation are an increased risk of developing severe pre-eclampsia.
Nulliparity is associated with an increased risk of gestational hypertension.(pre-eclampsia)
The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis and marks the final stage of keratinocyte maturation and development. Keratinocytes at the basal layer of the epidermis are proliferative, and as the cells mature up the epidermis, they slowly lose proliferative potential and undergo programmed destruction.
The third basic component of an exercise program that includes cardio and flexibility would be cardiorespiratory endurance. These are the key components to have a good exercise program