Answer: The word deviance connotes odd or unacceptable behavior, but in the sociological sense of the word, deviance is simply any violation of society's norms. Deviance can range from something minor, such as a traffic violation, to something major, such as murder.
In sociology, deviance describes an action or behavior that violates social norms, including a formally enacted rule (e.g., crime), as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores).
Hope it helps
Punishments were given to the officials if smuggling was detected because the official commit the crime and according to the law, a man who commit crime should be punished. As a representative of an organization or government department, an official has a great responsibility to serve the department and the people of the country and avoid doing such type of crimes which damaged the his reputation.
Allow me to do better than offer "a speech that Theodora <em>might hav</em>e given."
The following is a record of the speech she <em>actually did give</em> to Justinian in AD 532, when the riots had broken out in Constantinople.
The speech was recorded by the historian (AD 500-565), probably on the testimony of one or more of the royal advisors who were present. Procopius recorded Theodora's words in chapter 24 of his <em>History of the Wars </em>(published AD 552). Here's what he said Theodora said to Justinian:
- <em>As to whether it is unseemly for a woman to be bold among men, or to be daring when others are full of fear, I do not think that the present crisis allows us to consider the matter. For in extreme danger the only vital thing is to deal with the situation in the best way. For my part, I consider that now of all times flight would be bad, even if it brings safety. Once a man is born he cannot escape dying, but for one who has held the imperial power it would be unbearable to become a fugitive. May I never be parted from this purple, and may I never live to see the day when men who meet me will not address me as their sovereign. If you wish to be saved, Emperor, that is not difficult. We have great resources of wealth; there is the sea, here are the boats. But take care lest when you have saved yourself you wish that you could have death instead of your safety. I agree with the old saying, “Purple is a good shroud.” </em>
Alternative energy use is a sustainable practice of a post-industrial society.
- Since the advent of industrialisation, the world has heavily relied on energy generated out of burning of fossil fuels. This has led to serious issues of environmental pollution and degradation.
- The term alternative energy use refers to the use of non-polluting, sustainable energy resources.
- Alternative energies include solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, etc.
- The use of alternative energy is ensures that there is no emission of polluting byproducts from industrial activities.
Maintaining disciplined action behaviour in adaptive leadership is difficult because most people do not naturally want to confront change.
Answer: Option C
It is the tendency of people to accept what is new in order to test it. The same applies to the style of leadership. In adaptive leadership, it is primarily difficult to maintain disciplined behaviour.
Because being a leader it becomes very important to adapt to the changes that are brought by the trends in leadership.