After a workout, your body needs time to rest and repair itself from the previous workout. According to the Mayo Clinic, running too far too often, lifting too much weight or simply pushing yourself too far can lead to muscle strains and sprains, shin splints, and stress fractures.
I think. I'm so sorry if I'm wrong! I hope this helped.
Buena postura: mantiene los huesos y las articulaciones en la alineación correcta para que los músculos se usen correctamente. Ayuda a disminuir el desgaste anormal de las superficies articulares. ... Previene la fatiga porque los músculos se usan de manera más eficiente, lo que permite que el cuerpo use menos energía.
Espero que esto ayude.
here I said no to my fire one time when he told me not to stand up for someone so I refusEd his kindness by doing that