Binary information must be encoded in some way before transmission over the Internet. ... Copper wire is used to transmit binary messages using electricity - a voltage on the wire means one state, and no voltage means the other. Fiber-optic cables, on the other hand, use light (on or off) to transmit a binary message.
A patent is an intellectual property, with this legal protection, we can exclude to use, sell, and importation of an invention for a limited period of years, but we must do an enabling public disclosure of the invention or discovery, it is a requirement of the patent law, a patent is considered an advantage in the industries world.
DVI is the oldest out of the four.
DVI and VGA are the oldest, but DVI is oldest and least desirable to use since it is outdated.
all cells in the B column of any worksheet in this workbook
It seems each worksheet covers total expenses for each month, and hence workbook must have 12 such with one month for each worksheet. Also, the 3D range is a special option in Excel to reference all cells or a selected group of cells for all the worksheets. However, it should be all B cells as B2: B4 apart from this, others in B column also has expenses. And hence, the above option is the correct one.
i think it most be idea like me i am building an app i have an idea on how the graphics would be