Go to the doctor or take something
I agree with him because there are other ways to treat yourself other than medicine. His example was snow therapy, and I agree, nature can be very therapeutic and calming and helpful for your mental state and physical state. My example is I find dogs very therapeutic for me, when I’m feeling upset or anxious,I just play around with my weird dog and forget about what’s wrong. Many colleges have this too, they put the dogs in libraries and I find that adorably fascinating. Wouldn’t you rather play with a bundle of cute puppies then swallow pills all day long?
The answer to the statement: At rest, most of the body´s blood supply resides in the pulmonary loop, would be, B: False.
The circulatory system never stops working. Pumping of blood, transportation of oxygen, nutrients and water to and from tissues is a process that does not end, even during sleep. The only moment when this process does not happen, is in death. However, a good question is, where does the blood go, or stay, when the body is not active, like for example, during sleep. And the answer is that most of it will rest on the systemic veins and venules and will slowly circulate back to the heart, but at a much lower rate than when the body activates itself. However, what is not true is that blood will reside mostly in the pulmonary loop, because this loop does not have the capacity to store that much blood.