Wundt; introspection
Describing the experience of a snowflake melting on one's tongue as "cold . . . Wet . . . Tingly . . . Slightly metallic in taste" echoes Wundt's method of introspection.
The pioneering psychologist Wilhelm Wundt used a method called introspection to enable subjects to examine their own mental processes. introspection is used to describe a research technique that was first developed by psychologist Wilhelm Wundt.
Introspection is the examination of one's own conscious thoughts and feelings. In psychology, the process of introspection relies exclusively on observation of one's mental state, while in a spiritual context it may refer to the examination of one's soul.
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Answer:There are many advantages of immobilisation, one of which is that the enzymes can be reused – catalysing the same reaction many times. Binding the enzymes to a surface also makes them more stable and less likely to denature (lose their shape).
According to Esaias, the changes aren’t just dramatic, they’re also kind of scary. The fertility of most flowering plants, including nearly all fruits and vegetables, depends on animal-mediated pollination. As the pollinators move from flower to flower for nectar--a high-energy, sugary enticement—the plants dust them with pollen, which the animals transfer from flower to flower.