A ! The body provides oxygen and nourishment etc etc
Then 13% loss means Rs. 13x/100 is lost. ... or, (100x-13x)/100=1475 ... Then if the goods are sold for Rs. 1615 then there will be a loss of
Then 13% loss means Rs. 13x/100 is lost. ... or, (100x-13x)/100=1475 ... Then if the goods are sold for Rs. 1615 then there will be a loss of
Maybe you should try contacting his/her parents and seeing whats going on or unfortunatly he could've broke up with you without actually telling you he broke up with you.
Salutary negelct
Salutary Neglect is a form of governance style employed by the British over colonies, in which the British did not carry out stringent action concerning the parliamentary laws decided in Britain, the belief is that the colonies will thrive better under this style of rule.
Hence, the Salutary Neglect style of relationships developed between the colonies and their "managers" in England led to to the colonist feeling "free" to develop as they saw fit