Television, telephones, cellular devices, and violent video games. They tried to solve the problem by restricting the amount of games they can buy and parents limiting time on devices.
Reader-Response criticism
This theory addresses the receptor reaction to an object, text, or anything that it's interactive. In other words, Reader-Response criticism understands that no audience is passive, and everything that is put in contact, it's understood based on the audience point of view.
<u>Rules- </u>
There are many ways that people can influence our behavior, but perhaps one of the most important is that the presence of others seems to set up expectations
We do not expect people to behave randomly but to behave in certain ways in particular situations. Each social situation entails its own particular set of expectations about the “proper” way to behave. Such expectations can vary from group to group.
One way in which these expectations become apparent is when we look at the roles that people play in society.
<u>Norms- </u>Social norms are the unwritten rules of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are considered acceptable in a particular social group or culture. Norms provide us with an expected idea of how to behave, and function to provide order and predictability in society. For example, we expect students to arrive to a lesson on time and complete their work.
The idea of norms provides a key to understanding social influence in general and conformity in particular. Social norms are the accepted standards of behavior of social groups.
These groups range from friendship and workgroups to nation-states. behavior which fulfills these norms is called conformity, and most of the time roles and norms are powerful ways of understanding and predicting what people will do.
There are norms defining appropriate behavior for every social group. For example, students, neighbors and patients in a hospital are all aware of the norms governing behavior. And as the individual moves from one group to another, their behavior changes accordingly.
Norms provide order in society. It is difficult to see how human society could operate without social norms. Human beings need norms to guide and direct their behavior, to provide order and predictability in social relationships and to make sense of and understanding of each other’s actions. These are some of the reasons why most people, most of the time, conform to social norms.
Utilitarian function
Utilitarian function is an attitude function that relates to the basic principles of punishment and​ reward; that we develop attitudes towards products because they provide pleasure or pain for example,we develop positive attitudes toward a cheeseburger because it tastes good, give us pleasure.
emotional arousal
Emotional arousal: In psychology, the term emotional arousal is determined as an individual experiencing a specific state of "heightened physiological activity". While experiencing an emotional arousal, an individual feels strong emotions, for example, fear, anger, etc and therefore a person goes to the state of emotional arousal because of his or her day-to-day life experiences.
Examples of emotional arousal may include "freeze, flight, or fight response".
In the question above, the given type of body language usually indicates emotional arousal.