The Hardy Weinberg symbol for the dominant allele is 'p' in his equilibrium equation.
- The equation given by Hardy: "
" is known as "Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation". - The frequency of dominant allele and recessive allele for a trait is represented by 'p' and 'q' respectively.
- 2pq in the equation is the frequency for heterozygous genotype.
- Conditions that must be considered for the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation to satisfy are: no mutations
, no flow of gene, large population size, no selective forces
, no non-random mating.
Perennial Shrubs I know it is late.
can ,synthesize specific proteins
Hormones are chemical signals secreted by animals and plant that are capable of regulating body activities and maintain homeostasis.
They are transported in the circulatory system of the body
The action of hormones can be seen after the hormone has bound to its specific receptor found inside the cell.
For instance, steroid hormone and the thyroid hormones can pass through the plasma membrane to their receptors inside the cells.
When they bind with their receptors, the target cells will synthesize specific proteins that produce the characteristic effect of the hormone.
The complimentary strand of codons would be CAG-UAC-AAA-UCA-AGG-GAU-AUC.
C (Cytosine) pairs to G (Guanine).
Think of it as *C*ar in the *G*arage.
A (Adenine) pairs to U (Uracil).
Think of it as *A*pples *U*nder the tree.
Instead of a brain, echinoderms have a ring of nerves located around their mouth area that governs their nervous responses. This ring coordinates their motion, their eating, basically anything that requires nerve control.