D. The rhyme patterns that occurs at the end of the line in poetry is called rhyme scheme.
My life as a student has been a fairly good one. I’ve received good grades throughout all my years of high school and pride myself as an intelligent individual. But my individual ability to grow and learn has been always changing and shifting as I have grown. I think that currently, I am at a low point in my mindset and learning ability, but there is hope on the horizon. This essay will explore the growth and mindset of Will Roser, and how I can grow as a learner, friend, and individual. As a student, I have some habits that I rely on, both good and bad. I am usually a good student, receiving above average grades and I am moderately happy with them. My strength is that I always get everything done on time. I never have an excuse because my work is always done. I pride myself on that fact. And although that may seem like a good quality, the fact that I procrastinate so much does affect how good that work may be. So yes, I always finish my work which is always a good thing, but it may be at the expense of my sleep schedule. I tend to do most of my work the day before, despite telling myself over and over again that it needs to be done earlier. Luckily I have hope for my habits as I am still young.
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The sky turned a pastel pink as the Discovery Channel's summer special drew to a close. I stared fixated as the hippopotamus roamed across the yellowing grass, chewing apples from the trees above. The familiar closing tone rang through the boxed television's speakers, and a commercial started without hesitance. There had only been enough time for a neon train to flash across the screen before I hurriedley switched the output to that of my Nintendo 64. I loaded up Banjo Kazooie, then sat back, enjoying the warm summer breeze filtering through the window.
The answer is C, or "If it snows, we can build a snowman". A conditional statement is when the outcome of a situation depends on if a condition happens. If this happens (it snows), then this will happen (we can build a snowman).