Demeter was the goddess of corn, grain, the harvest, the Earth, agriculture, and fertility in general.
The correct answer is practical
Practical intelligence is linked to the constitution of an action or repeated use that results in knowledge or praxis. It is the power to gain learning from experiences, building functional skills. It is distinguished from academic, more theoretical-oriented, and helps us understand why some people with high IQs nevertheless succeed in the profession.
I believe the answer is: Counterproductive behavior that reinforces procrastination.
This type of attitude often created from overconfidence in their skills. This belief would make them more inclinced to give less effort in doing their obligations, and reinforce themselves to constantly seek distraction toward any other else beside their job.
Multinational entreprises are attracted to regional trading groups because they are good sources for raw material.
Multinational enterprises can find in regional trading groups opportunities for their productive activity, for example, developing local markets, providing raw materials or low-cost labour. Regional trading groups in midsize emerging-market and economies are the perfect chance for MNEs to attract new customers and buy their raw materials production for low costs, decreasing their own production cost.