He was against strong national government.
Jefferson was a major anti-federalist which means he was against
the idea of a strong national government. And the constitution was
mainly more of a federalist document.
The differences in the wild and hatcheries make it so the different salmon adapt differently and have different traits.
If salmon are split up into different habitats, one being in the wild and one being in captivity, they will eventually have different adaptations from each other and their offspring will develop traits that are better suited for their environment.
Wild salmon and salmon that are raised in captivity are going to be very different from each other. The salmon in captivity do not have to actively hunt for their food, be wary of certain predators, or may not want to reproduce.
Taking these factors into account, it is very possible that the salmon raised in captivity will have reduced reproductive success compared to the salmon that thrive in the wild. Along with this, they would most likely have many genetic differences from each other and other traits that better adapt to their living situations.
Yes Franklin's cartoon of join or die was very effective. It had a snake that had been cut into eighths and each segment represented colonies of America. Benjamin Franklin editorial game under America's “United colonies” showing an urge to join against the British during the Revolutionary war.
8 Cuts of the snake show the separated colonies and it was a clear depiction for those colonies to join in order to make a difference in power.
It came across as a great persuasion and influence them to get organized to fight against outside enemies. The political cartoon meant a great deal in combining people against enemies.
Islamic beliefs have a monotheistic message. There are six main beliefs in Islam:
Belief in Allah as the one and only God.
Belief in angels.
Belief in the holy books.
Belief in the Prophets
Belief in the Day of Judgement
Belief in Predestination