If the decimal is 1 number divide that number into 10 Then simplify the fraction if possible. if the decimal are 2 numbers divide those 2 numbers by 100 Then simplify the fraction if possible
3 numbers:by 1000, etc
Ex 0.4= 4/10 = 2/5
10+10+10+10= 40
40+38+40+35+35= 188 total perimeter
Ethan ate 1/2 of it and had more equal parts.
selling price would be $275.
A. Perpendicular
Step-by-step explanation:
Lines are perpendicular if their slopes are opposite reciprocals of each other. Opposite, meaning if positive, the other slope is negative, and if negative, the other slope is positive. Reciprocal meaning, the number is flipped upside down, turning fractions into whole numbers and vice versa.
The slopes are perpendicular