The coral reefs help with climate stability because they serve as homes for species that build exoskeletons from carbon.
Carbon in the form of carbon dioxide has been reported to be a major factor in the climate instability of the planet. This is because they are parts of the greenhouse gases that form a blanket layer over the atmosphere and prevent reflected sun rays from escaping back to space.
Thus, greenhouse gases cause the earth's atmosphere to warm up, a phenomenon known as global warming. The warming, in turn, leads to the unpredictability of several climatic factors.
With the majority of the species living in coral reefs helping to make use of carbon dioxide to build their exoskeleton, they are helping to reduce the concentration of the gas in the atmosphere and thereby reducing warming and erratic climatic changes.
More on climate change can be found here:
Answer: Option A
A paraphyletic group can be defined as the group of organism that includes the ancestors but not all of its descendants.
There are three kinds of phylogenetic groups that can be understood by the help of the diagram.
The phylogeny can be defined as the diagram which shows the evolutionary relationship of one organism from another.
Other groups are monophyletic groups, parsimonious et cetera which shows different evolutionary relationship with organisms.
Sponges have specialized cells and an endoskeleton, but they lack tissues and body symmetry. ... They include jellyfish and corals, both of which have radial symmetry. All cnidarians have nematocysts, and many are bioluminescent. They may exist in medusa and/or polyp form.