Europe kind of has two Governments, but first, America is a Republic, you go to court for stuff so you can be justified guilty or innocent. On the other hand, Europe is a monarchy, as well as its a presidential republic. I'm sorry if this isn't what you're looking for but this is what I know.
C. By making lobbyists' actions more transparent to the public
- The Unites States government recognise the important role played by lobbyists in the policy making process.
- But what if they use unfair means to manipulate policy, then it shall not reflect what the people need.
- The government has put in place measures to make sure that the lobbyists legally practice their operations.
- One such kind of regulation is the rule for lobbyists not to practice in corruption to manipulate implementation of their version of a policy.
Risky behavior can be defined as indulgence in any action or activity that can cause potential harm to an individual as a consequence of what they choose to do.