These benefits describe her customer value.
We define customer value in marketing as the satisfaction that a purchaser will or expects to obtain from a product or action. Which includes all the benefits that said product offer to a person in exchange for money or any other way of payment.
In the case of Lurie, even though the dress was expensive and not easy to buy, she believes that it is worth it because it brings considerable benefits to her.
"rules of origin"
An rule of origin is a criterion chosen by countries or regional blocks to characterize the origin of goods. The Rules of Origin have as their object the determination of the origin of a product, thus considered the place of manufacture or where it has received a substantial transformation. In trade agreements the rules of origin define the conditions under which an importing country may consider a product originating in an exporting country that is a member of that agreement and consequently receive preferential treatment, ie if it benefits from a partial or full reduction in import tax.
An example of a rule of origin can be seen in the question above, where certain textiles are made in the United States, shipped to other countries, combined in making apparel with textiles made in those other countries - and then re-exported back to the United States. States at a lower tariff rate.
1. the elimination or limitation of armed forces, military equipment, or weapons of war disarmament is called disarmament.
2. the movement banning the buying and selling of liquor is prohibition
3. the pursuit of pleasure as the chief activity of life is hedonistic
4. making or selling liquor illegally is bootlegging
5. the thinking that opposes a nation's involvement in political or military affairs outside its hemisphere isolationism
6. the growth of city living prohibition is urbanization
7. the promotion of new and more liberal ideas and changes is progressivism
Here you go Buffalo soldiers were African American soldiers who mainly served on the Western frontier following the American Civil War. In 1866, six all-Black cavalry and infantry regiments were created after Congress passed the Army Organization Act.