his meaness by refering to his combrade as a sun, is clear distintion of showing love and the performance of frkend.
him come like a sun which bring his excitment.
Sophocles is explaining the rebellion that purely got here about. The brothers Eteocles and Polyneices have been locked in wrestle; Polyneices became scuffling with to take the throne from his uncle, Creon, to ascend to his father's, Oedipus's, throne. Eteocles fought for his uncle and against his brother, yet the two have been killed in wrestle. Eteocles is to settle for the burial of a hero, with all honors, because of the fact he defended Creon, yet Polyneices is purely meant to be left there on the battlefield, as a warning for everyone else who tries to rebellion against Creon and Thebes. the undeniable fact that Polyneices is to no longer get carry of a ideal burial is a significant plot ingredient.
As the lyric voice dreams and hopes all through the poem it means this subject is fantasizing of a different world, so it is implied that the speaker <u>lives in a time and place where equality does not exist.</u> This is a common theme on Langston Hughes' poems, the need for equality for a better world. As it was written before the 1964 Civil Rights Act, there were a lot of segregation over the United States, and many black people were harmed and had struggles because of the racial issue.
"What is wrong? I will tell you what is wrong. It show no gratitude. It is boastful. I celebrate myself? The best student learns to destroy the teacher?"
Hope this helps