The undefined term is used to define an angle is the
Further explanation:
A ray
It is straight line that has one fixed point and can be extended from another point.
The best example of the ray of sunlight as it does not extend from both the points and proceed in one direction.
An angle can be drawn with the union of two rays that has common endpoint.
The rays are the sides of the angle and the common end point is the vertex of the angles.
The symbol to represent the angle is “
It can be better explained through an explain as,
The middle alphabet always represents the vertex of the angle.
The angle
can also be called as
can also be called
The angle
read as
read as
The angle is measured with the use of protractor.
Procedure to measure an angle with protractor:
Place the mid point of the protractor on the vertex of the angle.
Placed the protractor in such a way that one side of the angle match with the zero line of the protractor.
Now read the degree as per the required problem.
Thus, the undefined term is used to define an angle is the
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Answer details:
Grade: Junior school
Subject: Mathematics
Chapter: Line, rays and angles.
Keywords: Angle, rays, lining, vertex, line, segment, line segment, mid point, degrees, zero line, protractor, scale