The answer with the 2 pots of the same size: one with 2 pounds of potting soil, one with 2 pounds of dirt, 2 tomato plants of different sizes and the same type
Secondary succession occurs when the severity of disturbance is insufficient to remove all the existing vegetation and soil from a site. Many different kinds of disturbances, such as fire, flooding, windstorms, and human activities (e.g., logging of forests) can initiate secondary succession.
The answer is hematoma. Uncertainty a postpartum woman has severe perineal pain notwithstanding use of bodily ease measures and treatment, the nurse must check for a hematoma by examining and palpating the part. If one is found, the nurse required to notify the main care provider as soon as possible.
apex refers to the highest point or vertex of a plant stem or root. The shoot apex is where fresh stems, leaves, and other parts of a plant grow after the old parts fall off or dry up.
Explanation:In experiments conducted plants with the apex grows and its height increase while the height of the plant without the apex does not change.In another experiment plant with the apex grows towards the direction of sunlight which is positive phototropic movement and the plant without the apex does not turn towards light.therefore we can conclude there is an effect of the apex on the growth of a plant.