Conditiile favorabile invatarii sunt:
-o camera luminata
-sa fi odihnit
-sa citesti cu atentie lectia\lectiile ce trebuiesc invatate
-loc spatios
-sa nu fi stresat
-sa fi concentrat
-aerul sa fie destul de curat
Sa ai o zi buna!!~~~ :)
<span> national economies are NOT relatively self-contained entities.
Because of the globalization, it is easier for the people in a certain country to communicate with other people in another country.
This improves the chance of bilateral relationships between more than one countries and make their production process will be integrated to serve one another better.</span>
Answer: prosecutorial waiver
Its the answer
10 years
He was first appointed dictator in 49 BC, possibly to preside over elections, but resigned his dictatorship within 11 days. In 48 BC, he was reappointed dictator, only this time for an indefinite period, and in 46 BC, he was appointed dictator for 10 years.