C retirement benefits. This is why retirees are sometimes called "pensioners"
What you’re talking about is Beta. Beta is the ratio of how much a stock changes relative to the market as a whole (NYSE, NASDAQ)
A Beta of 2.0 means it changes (up/down) twice as much as the general market (Dow, S & P, NAS), such as the twitchy, hyper reactive tech stocks ( FAANG’s and also boom-or-bust Big Oil). In other words, high Standard Deviations.
A Beta of 0.5 means it changes (up/down) half as much as the general market. Sleepy blue chips such as GE, AT&T or power utilities fall in that category. Low Standard Deviations
Most stocks by definition pretty much track the market (Beta 1.0) so there are a lot of those. Middling Standard Deviations
So…it is dictated by your risk tolerance.
If the pinterest account is helpful in promoting the content of the company and it is reliable for having to give a high reputation of the company that I would put into consideration the offer of my colleague if it meant of having to promote the company's name and reputation.
(A) Accounts Payable - Liabilities
(D) Equipment - Assets
(E) Supplies - Assets
(F) Retained earning - Owner's Equity
(H) Cash - Assets
The major categories in a balance sheets are: Assets, Liabilities and Owner's Equity,
Assets are many things (as equipment, machinery, Receivables, etc) that belongs to the company, please see details in the answer.
Liabilities represent the obligations of the company with all kind of creditors.
And finally Owner's Equity it's the Capital that support part of the Assets along with the Liabilites.
Answer: B) cars and petrol