The Great Plains is the most productive dryland wheat area in the world, and pivotal to world grain supplies (Riebsame 1990). Great Plains production accounts for 51% of the nation's wheat, 40% of its sorghum, 36% of its barley, 22% of its cotton, 14% of its oats, and 13% of its corn.
In Dredd Scott, the Supreme Court had a very particular issue to consider: that of whether or not an African American had standing to sue in federal court.
The Supreme Court ultimately decided that while Scott was a citizen of a free state, he was not a US citizen and was not entitled to standing as a US citizen.
He was the king of Prussia at the time. And he made the gaverment more efficient. Which meant more power for him.... so self center. lol
The country is Balkan Peninsula and it is in Macedonia (south)