Systematic ideas that help explain the relationship between individuals and society are called social theories. It tends to have different areas of focus but all have same goals in mind. Karl Marx and Pierre Felix Bourdieu are pairs of social theorists both emphasized how social class matters in social life.
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With the advent of condensed and evaporated milk in the late 1800s, the percent of mothers that breastfed their babies had come down to 20-30% by 1940.
- Though it was deemed crucial to breastfeed the babies during their infant years, majority mothers chose to feed their babies with condensed and evaporated milk owing to various rumors that had disseminated in society.
- These rumors were regarding the sagging of breasts and also about the possibility of breast cancer due to breastfeeding.
- The availability of evaporated and condensed milk just proved to be of convenience for the mothers who did not want to feed their own milk to their babies.
Jamestown life consisted of many duties and work routines. People used to farm tobacco as a cash crop in Virginia. Routine wise, parents used to go to their jobs and students would go to school.
The Czerwinski family in Jamestown (a habitual name in Polish) usually got up around 6:30-7 am. The children would get fresh up and help their mother get breakfast ready while their father used to get ready to go to work. Sunday was a church day. They went to church at 10 am. The other days, the children school routine started at 8 am and ended at 1 pm. Children had some responsibilities too. After school, they would go to duties which were needed to be done. Normally the duties were sweeping, dusting, making the beds, helping cook and running to the marketplace.