Any electronic system that uses a computer chip, but that is not a general-purpose workstation, desktop or laptop computer. Such systems use microcontrollers (MCUs) or microprocessors (MPUs), or they may use custom-designed chips.
Answer: The math module is a standard module in Python and is always available. To use mathematical functions under this module, you have to import the module using import math .
<h2>The alignment of the text will be "left" by default</h2>
- In Excel or spreadsheet, if any number is entered, it will automatically be aligned to right because right alignment is preferable for the numbers.
- In case of any alignment is mentioned in the cell in prior to entering text or if the type of data is changed after or before entering the text, then the text is aligned accordingly.
- According to the given scenario, a number "25" is entered and it is converted to text. So a text format will preserve the alignment as entered. By default it will be "left" aligned.