The took it for themselves kind of.
On Aug. 19, 1953, elements inside Iran organized and funded by the Central Intelligence Agency and British intelligence services carried out a coup d’état that overthrew the government of Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh. Historians have yet to reach a consensus on why the Eisenhower administration opted to use covert action in Iran, tending to either emphasize America’s fear of communism or its desire to control oil as the most important factor influencing the decision. Using recently declassified material, this article argues that growing fears of a “collapse” in Iran motivated the decision to remove Mossadegh. American policymakers believed that Iran could not survive without an agreement that would restart the flow of oil, something Mossadegh appeared unable to secure. There was widespread scepticism of his government’s ability to manage an “oil-less” economy, as well as fears that such a situation would lead inexorably to communist rule. A collapse narrative emerged to guide U.S. thinking, one that coalesced in early 1953 and convinced policymakers to adopt regime change as the only remaining option. Oil and communism both impacted the coup decision, but so did powerful notions of Iranian incapacity and a belief that only an intervention by the United States would save the country from a looming, though vaguely defined, calamity.
As fairness is a subjective term, let's analyse this in terms of what countries are able to do in the situation. In the General Assembly every sovereign nation that joins is allowed to express its opinion and vote within this global body of governance. Some may argue that this gives too much power to tinier nation states. However, the General Assembly allows for these tinier nations to be heard on a global platform, while reigning in any truly disastrous schemes via the permanent bodies of the security council which hold veto powers over any errant decision.
Answer: Reagan did not stop communism (communism never existed and its ideology is still here....there are many communist parties all over the world which is quite surprising and incredible) but practiced very well Kennan´s strategy of "containment". Communism itself underwent serious crises (1956 Hungary, 1968 Czechoslovakia, 80s in Poland) 1980s there was a lot of dissatisfaction in the Eastern block, anti-communist opposition was growing and USSR became aware that reforms are necessary. Gorbatchev (from 1985) was really aware that the communist regimes are no longer sustainable. There were various factors.
Explanation: communist regimes exhausted themselves, nothing worked....economically and ideologically as well. That was something which helped very much to Reagan.
the answer could be Henry Purcell