No hay una santa biblia, sino varios textos importantes.
El cielo y el infierno no son lugares eternos según las enseñanzas budistas.
El budismo puede existir sin Buda. ...
Buda (Siddharta Gautama) nunca se proclamó profeta o dios.
esos son datos curiosos sobre el budismo ojala te sirvan :))
The service of the Cabinet members to the government is that each cabinet member has elected in order to serve the President. They are put into the position in which they should protect the president and go with all his/her projects. They also need to gain the trust of the President in order for them to be elected.
Indirect democracy is is best over democracy because Indirect democracy does not need to tell their followers or leaders(ig) everything they will do. Therefore Indirect democracy is Better.
Some people still say African Americans still deal with having their civil rights broken by police and other legal entities like them. But overall yes, having had a african american president, civil rights are greatly expanded and show that equal rights are all around enforced and had by all.
hey i hope this is good enough :)
European countries established colonies throughout the world, mostly in America and Africa, from the 1400s up till the early 1900s. After WWI and WWII, international boundaries changed. They mainly focused on balancing power. After WWI, the country fell under the power of the Soviet Union. Once the Soviet Union took over, conflicts emerged between the people living in the state.