Your phone.
Samsung is ran off of Android.
Apple is ran off of IOS.
Both are operating systems.
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Instead of having to write multiple pieces of code for different outcomes, you can use an elseif statement and make your code easier to read and easier to understand.
The type of electronic monitoring that involves an offender being contacted periodically by telephone or beeper to verify his or her whereabouts is called the programmed contact. It is a method used in investigations to monitor the offender in a certain situation where he is forced to remain.
Employers are allowed to check the number of keystrokes that word processors enter during the day.
An employer is authorized to monitor the activity of its employee when:
- The employee authorizes it.
- The employer owns the system to be used.
- Surveillance is necessary for a strictly professional purpose.
By analyzing the keys pressed per day, the employer can determine the performance provided by its employees, and if they use the company's resources, for non-work purposes.