Correlation coefficient.
This is explained to be the numerical measure of some correlation types or strength statistically of relationship between two variables. It is most times seen to bre helpful when investing in the financial markets. In certain instances, correlation can be helpful in determining how well a mutual fund performs relative to its benchmark index, or another fund or asset class.
This correlation statistic or coefficient here is seen also to permit investors to determine when the correlation between two variables changes. This is seen in bank stocks where it is seen to typically have a highly-positive correlation to interest rates since loan rates are often calculated based on market interest rates.
The election process is every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The election is so long because they need the time to win over the states votes and speak up to what they have that’ll help the country. It should be that long because without it, it’s like writing an essay with no valid reason to back up the claim
Ethical theories have rules/principles that are used to determine right or wrong in any given situation. In this situation will be used Utilitarian, Kant and Natural law theories.
Utilitarians: use to consider the greatest good for all, so is the case to consider if a homosexual relation is beneficial to all involved. Also society judgment should depend on if it had good or bad social consequences. For Kant’s ethics (which is basically based on reason not emotion) the actions are judged in terms of respects for others and should be based on honesty and good intentions. Finally, for Natural law ethics it would be analyzed from whether the practice is consistent with the human nature.