Kfbemsifneid dieneiene is due eissjeneiee
<span>Analyze the words: Fifth grade students have learned a poem about the homeland's beauties. Then they went to the camp to rest. In Brasov they visited painting exhibitions, climbed the high mountain, admired the mountain scenery. After 10 days they returned home and told about the places visited and about their daily schedule.</span>
A) Whom does the writer repeatedly miss? happiness
B) How are childhood memories? they are missed
C) What did childhood take away? the writers happiest memories
D) How was the childhood play? it was good
E) What can the poet not forget? happiness
क) लेखक किसको बार-बार याद करता है? ख़ुशी
बी) बचपन की यादें कैसी हैं? वे छूट गए
ग) बचपन क्या ले गया था? लेखकों को सबसे सुखद यादें
D) बचपन कैसा खेल था? यह अच्छा था
) कवि क्या नहीं भूल सकता? ख़ुशी