GIS is basically used to study geologic features and etc, it creates 3D displays of geographic features
The human settlements hierarchy is as follows:
- An ecumenopolis is a theoretical construction in which the entire area of Earth that is taken by human settlements, or at least, that those are linked so that to create an urban areas so big that they can shape an urban continuum through thousands of kilometers.
- A megalopolis is a group of conurbations, consisting of more than ten million people each.
- A conurbation is a group of large cities and their suburbs, consisting of three to ten million people.
- A metropolis is a large city with it's suburbs, consisting of multiple cities and towns.
- A large city is a city with a large population and many services.
- A city has many services, but not as many as the large city.
- A large town is a town with population of 20,000 to 100,000 people.
- A town has a population of 1,000 to 20,000 people.
- A village is a human settlement or community that is larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town.
- A hamlet has a very small population, very few services, and only few buildings.
- An isolated dwelling has only 1-2 buildings.
There are many different climate zones found in Europe. These include the Marine West Coast climate zone, the Humid Continental climate zone, the Mediterranean climate zone, the Subarctic and Tundra climate zone, and the Highland climate zone. There are more, but these are the main climate zone.
Answer: The earth layers and atmospheric layers are distinctly different.
The earth layers are made up of solid matter whereas the atmospheric layers are made up of gases.
The earth layers provide the base for the survival of diversity of living beings whereas the atmospheric layers only allow microbes which can survive in extreme temperature conditions.
The stratospheric layer of the atmosphere protects the living beings from the harmful radiations striking on the surface of earth and they are capable of causing mutation whereas the lithosphere or any other surface layer of the earth also absorb thermal energy from sun but does not provide protection against harmful affects of ultraviolet radiations.