The current population of India is 1,370,084,744, which is equivalent to 17.7% of the total world population.
The Taj Mahal was built in 1653 in honor of Mumtaz Mahal, the queen who died at age 38 giving birth to her 14th child. We can see that even then women gave birth to many children, which is important when it comes to the issue of overpopulation.
The death of the queen can be seen as the symbol of issues awaiting India if its population keeps growing. Some of those problems are already very noticeable. For example, many people are unemployed, development of infrastructure is not keeping up with the growth of population, which is negatively affecting transportation, communication, education, healthcare, and housing, resources are being over-exploited, costs of production have increased, and equal distribution of income has become impossible. If the population keeps increasing, which is expected, these problems will just keep getting worse.
High unemployment is an example of a common push factor. An abundance of jobs is an example of a pull factor
Chameleons change their skin color to hide in their surrounding adaptation
I ain’t never seen two pretty best friends
Ones of them always gotta be ugly