Freedom of speech and of the press have a special place in american democracy because free and open debate is an essential mechanism for determining the quality and validity of competing ideas.
Answers will vary. Today America faces many cultural wars such as those of gay rights, the East Coast and West Coast hip-hop divide, the legal possession of guns, prayer in schools, and so on. Regardless which issue you chose, your answer must include the following information:
A title or sentence that clearly describes the cultural issue
The different points of view that have led to the cultural war
The groups that support each point of view
Your perspective on how you think the issues can be resolved or what obstacles make it unlikely to be resolved soon
Answer: A. British demands on Americans
In September 11, 1776 during the peace conference Howe demands the colonists revoke the Declaration of Independence. The colonists refused to comply with his request, and the conference ended. All of the events that ocurred after the conference did not have influence in the ending of the conference. It ended because the Americans did not accept the British demands.
C) The government owns several basic industries and provides many services at no cost.
In a socialist economy, the government owns and controls the means of production; personal property is sometimes allowed.
#1 Answer:
world city
#2 Answer:
The second one is a solid answer because I double-checked too but the first one is honestly based on my knowledge.