<h2>Solution :</h2>
The given problem is solved in Python.
def ComputeSquare():
side = float(input('Enter the side of the square: '))
if side > 0:
perimeter = 4 * side
area = side * side
print('Perimeter of the square is:',
perimeter, 'unit.')
print('Area of the square is:', area, 'square unit.')
<h3> else:</h3>
print('Invalid input.')
<h2>Explanation :-</h2>
- In this program, we create a function ComputeSquare() to calculate the perimeter and area of a square.
- The function asks the user to enter the side of the square. The side is then stored in a variable.
- Now, we check whether the side is greater than 0 or not using if-else statement.
- If the condition is true, the perimeter and area is calculated which is displayed using print() statement.
- If the condition is false, the else blocks executes printing the error message.
<h3>Refer to the attachment for output.</h3>
"Object-oriented" would be the correct choice.
- An object-oriented database seems to be a database that subscribes to a framework containing object-depicted details. Throughout the context of the relational database management system, object-oriented is a unique product that is not as popular and most well-known as traditional web applications.
- This indicates that internet connectivity to existing records has to implement the previously defined connections for interacting components established by that same containers.
Write out your birthday in the following format: M/DD/YY. For example, if your birthday is on June 11, 2013, it would be written as 6/11/13.
2. Convert the birthday date to binary format. Using our same example from above, 6/11/13 translated into binary code would be: 110/1011/1101.
3. Select one color of bead to represent “0”, a second color to represent “1” and then the third color to represent a space (/) between the numbers.
4. Layout the beads to represent your birthdate in binary code. Don’t forget the third color for the spaces in between the numbers!
5. Once laid out, string all the beads on to the string or pipe cleaner.
6. Tie a knot around the ends and enjoy your one-of-a kind masterpiece as a piece of jewelry or a bag tag….the options are endless!
It was the ARPANET sponsored by the US Department of Defense to enable scientists collaborate on research.