Answer: forces banks with greater risk to maintain more capital.
The Basel Accord are a set of regulations in the banking industry that enables the proper functioning of banks, if these regulations for banks are strictly adhered to, banks would rarely have problems of total failure which leads to the bank closing up.
The Basel Accord is named after the city of Basel in Switzerland where the meetings took place, the Accord majored on the minimum financial requirements of banks.
a. Meitneria will import textiles from Seaboria and export heavy machinery to it.
The Heckscher-Ohlin theory states that a country has to export what it can produce efficiently according to the factors of production that the country has and import the products that the country is not able to manufacture efficiently. According to this, the answer is that in this situation, according to the Heckscher-Ohlin theory Meitneria will import textiles from Seaboria and export heavy machinery to it as Meitneria doesn't produce textiles which forces the country to import them and they specialize on heavy machinery which allows them to export it to Seaboria as this country doesn't have the technology to manufacture it.
c)accrual basis accounting
Accruals basis accounting (accruals accounting, the matching concept) depicts the effects of transactions and other events and circumstances on a reporting entity’s economic resources and claims in the periods in which those effects occur, even if the resulting cash receipts or payments occur in a different period.
In accrual basis accounting:
Revenue from sales and other income should be reported in the period when the income arises (which might not be the same as the period when the cash is received from the customer / client).
The cost of sales in the statement of comprehensive income must be matched with the sales. Income and ‘matching’ expenses must be reported in the same financial period. In other words, when the revenue is recognised from sale then the cost must also be recognised in the similar accounting period.
Other expenses should be charged in the period to which they relate, not the period in which they are paid for.
So based on the above discussion, the answer is c)accrual basis accounting
Natural resources (land)
Labor (human capital)
Capital (machinery, factories, equipment)
nature is the first key of success like having a land to start up
labor is the teamwork needed support between all ( all for one, one for all)
capital is needed just like food, no money no business
Entrepreneurship: it depends on what is the idea of business you want, and how it really help the community
Because in any accounting rules, debit the receiver, credit the giver.
Debit what comes in, credit what goes out.
Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains.